First Round OkMEA and CODA Honor Band Audition Clinics
Classes for 7th, 8th, and 9th grade CODA
High School (10th-12th) CODA/First round OkMEA (All-State)
Sunday, September 29, 2024
Oklahoma City University
Wanda L. Bass School of Music
OCU Map:
PLEASE BRING: your music and a music stand!
Classes with insufficient pre-registration are subject to shortening of time or cancellation.
These clinics are provided at no cost to members of the Oklahoma Flute Society.
Non-members can register to attend for $5!
Please complete the Membership Form first if you need to pay dues. If you are unsure of your dues status, email (The OFS membership year runs August 1 - July 31)
Community Outreach Scholarships are available to students who would otherwise not be able to take advantage of OFS events.