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Oklahoma Flute Society

High School and College Representatives



Would you like to become more involved with the Oklahoma Flute Society by serving as a Student Representative? 



  • Help the OFS by giving a student’s perspective on our events.

  • Learn about the organization and planning of events.

  • Get hands-on experience running events and teaching (through helping with Flute Choir).

  • Have a great addition to their resume!



  • High school grades 10-12 and college undergraduate or graduate students.High school students must have parent/guardian permission.(HS students will be grades 9-11 at the time of application.HS seniors may apply to be a college representative.)

  • Must be current members who have attended at least one OFS event.


Application/confirmation process:

  • Apply online by April 20.

  • Confirmation by OFS Board at the spring board meeting with notification shortly afterwards.

  • Serve for the following year which begins August 1.



  • Pay dues by September 1

  • Respond promptly to messages/questions from the OFS President or other OFS Board members.

  • Encourage colleagues to attend OFS events.

  • Volunteer at OFS events or event preparation (below).Volunteer work will not conflict with event attendance.

  • Optional - attend board meetings.


Volunteer duties - College

Assist at ONE SET of Honor Flute Choir rehearsals/performance.  This is usually 2 rehearsals (approximately 4 hours each if doing both age groups), the pre-performance warmup and the performance.  Duties will include helping coach during the rehearsals and playing along with the group, set-up/tear-down, taking attendance.


OR – Assist at ONE SET of Honor Flute Choir rehearsals/performance for one age group AND a half day at Flute Fair or Solo Festival.


OR - Assist at one full day of Flute Fair.  Duties might include set-up/tear down, ushering, page turning, assisting the guest artist, etc., but will not conflict with the student’s ability to attend events.


OR – Assist at the Solo & Ensemble Festival (full day).  Duties might include set-up/tear down, registration table, monitor for judges.


OR – equivalent to support the needs of the OFS.



Volunteer duties - High School

Arrive early OR stay late to help with setup/tear down at an Honor Flute Choir rehearsal, Festival, or Honor Band Audition Clinic.


OR – Assist with one set of rehearsals/performance for the 7-8-9 grade Honor Flute Choir.  Duties will include helping coach during the rehearsals and playing along with the group, set-up/tear-down, taking attendance.


OR – Assist at a half day of Flute Fair.  Duties might include setup/tear down, ushering, page turning, assisting the guest artist, etc., but will not conflict with the student’s ability to attend events.

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